Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mother Mary, help us on our way to your Paradise

This prayer to our Heavenly Mother in Paradise is so beautiful that I have to share it!

Virgin Mother, daughter of your Son,

humbler and loftier past creation's measure,

the fulcrum of the everlasting plan,

You are she who ennobled human nature

so highly, that its Maker did not scorn

to make Himself the Creature of His creature.
In your womb was the flame of love reborn,

in the eternal peace of whose warm ray

this flower has sprung and is so richly grown.

for us you are the torch of the noonday

of charity; below, you are the spring

of ever-living hope for men that die.

Lady, so great you are, such strength you bring,

who does not run to you and looks for grace,

his wish would seek to fly without a wing.

Not only does your kindness come to brace

our courage when we beg: often your free

favor arrives before our prayer's race.

In you is mercy, in you is piety,

in you magnificence, in you the sum

of excellence in all things that come to be.

Prayer of St. Bernard in Paradiso
(Divine Comedy by Dante, trans. Anthony Esolen, 33.1-21)

1 comment:

Mary Kate said...

beautiful picture!!!!!!!!!!