"Children have need of Him that they may be formed to habits of virute; youths have need of Him that they may obtain mastery over their passions; maidens have need of Him that they may preserve their innocence untarnished; grown-up men and women have need of Him that they may advance in virtue and carry out faithfully the duties of their state of life; there are none who can afford to neglect the great source of spiritual stength, none who can do without Him."
- Pope St. Pius X
Lenten challenge: try to make time during the week to attend Holy Mass and receive Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist more frequently--every day if possible! For the spiritual strength He gives us in this Sacrament is "the surest and shortest way to Heaven" (Pope Pius X). Even if you are already in the habit of frequent reception of Holy Communion, take a few minutes to quietly contemplate the immense GIFT He bestows by giving us Himself. What a privilege to receive the King of the Universe into our hearts!